In project 4 I learned how to create stamps using texts and images. I created four stamps about the country, America. Each stamp included sports, history, architecture, and food about America. In this project we used different fonts to create depth. We also used different colors and line spacing to enlighten each stamp. I feel as though the Professor did a great job explaining the instructions to complete project 4. The lecture video and asking for extra help really helped me to complete this project. I believe that this project could help me in the future with advertisements. this can help me to be more creative when using different fonts to create advertisements. if there was anything I could’ve did differently it would be to use a tropical state such as California. The most difficulty I had was deciding on different fonts and using different line spacing to enhance each stamp. The easiest part of this project was finding images to put on each stamp. I believe that I did good with this project being that I feel more comfortable with using this software.