- What did you learn?
I learned how to use animation to enhance the user experience in figma. Before learning this, I did not realize how much of a difference animation makes to an app. It adds a sense of fun to the app and makes it feel more “modern”. I think adding animation can be a good thing for the most part but you need to know the right ways to use it. You can easily add too much animation which will make the user experience a headache to use. After completing lab 10 and learning more about the right way to use animation I feel confident with how I used it in my project.
- What was easy?
I thought the easy part was adding the content such as the images and information needed for my app. My app is a chatroom for people seeing a Broadway show. I am very passionate about Broadway so it was quite fun and easy to collect all the information to make my app.
- What was challenging?
The challenging part was making sure my interactions in the prototype section of figma were where I wanted each frame to go to next. There are so many arrows connecting to different frames that it gets confusing where each arrow is going to next. Sometimes, when I duplicate a frame it messes where I want the interaction of the frame to go too. I have to keep re-checking my prototype example to make sure each frame is in the right place of my app.
- How could your submission be improved?
I think my submission could be improved by going more in depth with the “Overture” and “Curtain Call” chat rooms for Hamilton. I only used the “Intermission” chat room in my project but if I had more time than I would have added an example of a chat room for the beginning part of the show “Overture” and the end of the show “Curtain Call”.
- How could I improve the assignment for the next class?
I think you could improve the assignment for the next class by adding more specific information for the project 2 document. I was unsure about the requirements and needed clarification so I asked you and that helped.
- How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
I might apply my knowledge in future assignments by using the animation feature to transition frames. It makes the app more fun to use and enhances the user experience.
- How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
The powerpoint slides for the labs, watching the class videos, and meeting with Professor Dunkle all helped me with creating my app. I saw examples of projects, read instructions and notes, and spoke with Professor Dunkle in order to make sure I was doing the project to the best of my ability.