- What did you learn?
I learned more about the consumer/demographic psychology and how to design my product to effectively target the specific demographic that I am selling my product to. I designed a coffee brand and chose bright colors and a sleek look to make my product pop out to the extent of which it is not overwhelming.
- What was easy?
I thought the easy part was picking the product that I wanted to design. I love coffee and thought it would be fun to design a coffee brand.
- What was challenging?
I thought the challenging part was designing the symbols for each flavor; the hazelnut, pumpkin, candy cane, and french vanilla. I also thought it was challenging when I made these symbols into patterns on the product because I wanted the pattern in a specific placement of the product.
4. How could your submission be improved?
I think my submission could be improved by adding even more detail into the symbols. For example, I could add more detail in the hazelnut by adding shadows and more depth to it.
5. How could I improve the assignment for the next class?
You could improve the assignment for the next class by adding another lab for more practice on designing logos and symbols to help with the project.
6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
After this project, I have learned the importance of product design. I have learned that you need a good color scheme for your project, your spacing needs to look neat and correct, and your font needs to correlate with the logo of the product.
7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
Looking at student’s projects as examples helped me think about what kind of product I wanted to design and gave me a better understanding of what Professor Dunkle was looking for in the project.