For this project, I learned how to use many different programs. First, we learned how to make our own music and soundtrack using a website called Soundtrap. Next, for our opening slide of our video where we stated our emotion that we chose to create for this video, we explored Adobe After Effects. Finally, to piece together our song, video, and opening slide, we used Adobe Premier.
The easiest part of this project was piecing together the final video. It was very easy to import all of our pieces that were from different platforms onto one. Also, it was easy to film and put together using Cap Cut which is an iPhone app. The hardest part of this project was the creation of it. I struggled with soundtrap a little bit because I didn’t know what kind of song to create and after I finished my song, I had a hard time thinking of what video could go along with it.
My submission could be improved with having my video be a little bit longer and Professor Dunkle could make this project better by having more class examples to look at. He did post about five of them but, we were only allowed to view two because we needed permission and those two were very similar.
I might apply my knowledge I learned during this project in the future by now having experience with more Adobe platforms. I think having knowledge about After Effects could become useful to me within the marketing world.