Project 1 DMA 363

What did you learn? I learned how to design bleeds and die strikes, the components of a menu, and the correct color scheme

 What was easy? It was easy to find the appropriate fonts that I wanted for the menu and to design the structure of it. Also to create the new logo

 What was hard? It was hard to type each category and make it look straight, to make the contents fit in each square like the menus and prices, to proofread everything and add some of the images to fit nicely

 How could your submission be improved? It could be improved by making the text smaller and having more space for the letters

 How could the professor improve the assignment? Making separate videos for space and letter spacing

How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? By print design, I have learned how to fold and mock up printed projects. Also It can help me because I want to go into the print design path

How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?

looking at past projects of students