Mia DMA214

For my first frame I decided to use proximity to single out one star, to put emphasis to our subject.

For my second frame, I used closure and continuation. The circles leading to the star allow the eye to travel to the though bubble easily. I wanted to keep the star black, but used closure so that you can see the bubble.

For my third frame, I used continuation to lead the eye up to our biggest star, the subject of the poem.

For my fourth slide, I wanted to keep it simple, but this time the star is a diamond in reference to the rhyme.

- What did you learn?
I learned quickly that even though restricted to only a few shapes, I can make different figures, such as a diamond out of two triangles, a trapezoid out of a rectangle, and many other shapes to add something extra to my story.
2. What was easy?
I think overall this project was easy because I had a simple rhyme that I was ready to create a design with because of my sketches.
3. What was challenging?
The most challenging part for me was having to align my shapes into my grid so that there is a focal point. This became difficult at certain points because I like things in the center, but a center focal point is a weak one.
4. How could your submission be improved?
I struggled with being creative in this project because we are so limited with shapes we can use. Now that I am used to Figma a little more, I can draw my sketches more according to the project.
5. How can the professor improve the assignment for your next class?
Personally, I liked how the professor went through each students frames and gave them advice on how to better improve our strategies, and even demonstrated how to each student. Even while listening to his critiques to other students, it allowed me to improve my own designs.
6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
I want to expand on my frames by creating better, more understandable scenes. I think my work is simple, but I also want to learn how to get more creative.
7. How did a specific reading or video help you?
Reading about how simple these graphic designs may be really helped me not go over the top. As an artist, I quickly realized that graphic art and painting/drawing are very different. If my designs have too many shapes, they look too chaotic.