Project 2: Color


In my first picture, Urban sky, I used complimentary colors purple and yellow. I felt as though purple fit best for a night sky.


For my second picture, seascape, I wanted all of the creatures to be placed in one area so that is where the main focus is. I used triadic color theory to get a nice sea blue/green, but also add some bright colors for the sea creatures.

Arid Desert

Arid desert: I used split complimentary color scheme, and the colors are kept warm to get the feeling of a sunset.

Outer Space

Outer Space: I used split complimentary color scheme, so I can have a basic blue background, with many vibrant colors to my advantage.

  1. What did you learn? I learned how to use different fills, such as radial and linear, and how to use the shapes to my advantage more. For example, I now know how to create a dotted line, which I used to create my windows in the urban setting
  2. What was easy? The easiest part for me was creating the general picture. For example, I had no trouble creating the sky and buildings for my urban picture, but the windows messed me up because they were not all angles correctly.
  3. What was challenging? A very challenging part to this project was getting detail in. I am still figuring out the basics, so I found it difficult to get very creative, and personalize my pictures more.
  4. How could your submission be improved? Adding more detail, personalizing each picture to my liking more.
  5. How could the professor improve the assignment for next class? No improvements, I like how you went into detail for each slide you did.
  6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments? I will use radial and linear fills more to my advantage for each shape, and adding more variety/detail to skies. (clouds, sun, birds).
  7. How did a specific reading or video help you? Watching the professor add his own detail into his work inspired me to be more creative with my work for our next project.