- What did you learn? I quickly learned that typography was not as easy as it looks. This project made me learn to be more organized and meticulous about small details.
- What was easy? The easiest part of this project was deciding which fonts to use. At first, I tried using several fancy and unique fonts, but they ended up being very distracting. From looking at my classmates’ work, I quickly learned that in this project, basic looks better.
- What was challenging? The most challenging part of this project was getting all of the different size words to fit in a perfect rectangular shape, without stretching any of the words. Abstaining from stretching the words was by far the most difficult part of this project.
- How could your submission be improved? I am pretty happy with my submission, except for frames 1 and 5. They both contain the phrase “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”. I found these slides difficult because it was the shortest phrase, so i found it difficult to make the frame look creative.
- How could the professor improve the assignment for next class? As usual, Professor Dunkle provided me with all of the tools I needed to complete this project. The slides are very easy to follow along with, and I like how he goes over my classmates’ projects in class, because he gives great feedback which improves my own work.
- How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? In this project I learned that sometimes being basic looks more pleasing to the eye. Especially in graphic design, you don’t want designs that are so vibrant and distracting that it frustrates the viewer, and makes them lose sight of what they are really looking at.
- How did a specific reading or video help you? This may not be a reading or video, but when looking at the slides, I like how Professor Dunkle mentioned the game Tetris. I had the game in my mind the whole time I was creating my project, just to make everything fit perfectly. Reading about spacing in typography helped me make my work more legible and organized.