My outline for Project 3.

James Bond martini glass on an old fashion weight shaker because 007 likes his martini shaken not stirred. Inside the glass is James Bond played by Sir Sean Connery, 007 watch, Aston Martin DB5 for when Sir Sean Connery drove in Goldfinger, and Thunderball, and his Walther PPK gun. The background is a pattern of Connery as Bond and the logo of the 60th Anniversary of the James Bond Franchise. The text that I put is: Sean Connery is James Bond 007 and on the bottom it says: Shaken, Not Stirred.
1. What did you learn?
In this latest project, we created a visual metaphor that we combined the images in a unique, surprising, and exciting way. We also learned how to create a pattern and the texture that we had to put into our design and also put in the background and lower the opacity.
2. What was easy?
This project was a bit easy because you know what you want to design and come up an idea and what pictures that you will be using.
3. What was challenging?
The challenging part of the project was coming up the idea because I wanted to do something that was not part of the list. The other challenging part was coming up with the metaphors that ties in with James Bond and how to design it.
4. How could your submission be improved?
To improve my submission, to put a couple more pictures that is associated with 007 to fit inside the martini glass.
5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?
Maybe to go a little more in depth with how we can come up with a metaphor with the picture that we want to use and more mapping it out.
6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
I would like to continue using my knowledge in future work scenarios with typography because it would be a good use for an advertisement prospect.
7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
When looking at the examples from previous students, it got me thinking about using something similar but I decided to use James Bond and sketch it out.