1. What did you learn?
In this project, we learned about Typography and learning how to use Typography by using different fonts like Roboto Flex and EB Garamond. We created a story from what we used in Project 1 like Jack and Jill or Itsy Bitsy Spider, etc.
2. What was easy?
Some of it was easy like coming up with different fonts that we can use in the frames and trying to make the text bigger and making sure it fits in the frame.
3. What was challenging?
The challenging part of the project was, trying to put the words where they needed to go because it’s like a game of Tertius and separating the words to making it bigger (some of it was easy).
4. How could your submission be improved?
I could have chosen some more creative fonts to make the submission be better and more appealing and add more pizzazz.
5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?
For the next class, maybe show some student examples from the previous semesters and do reference off from what the students designed.
6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
I would like to continue a little bit more on using Typography and how I can use it in relations to advertisement, making flyers like say the Digital Media Arts and Advertising Development Club (DMAAD) and how I can make Typography more effective and useful.
7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
The videos that Professor Dunkle showed us and the YouTube video that I watched and looking at the PowerPoint on the different uses of the fonts.