What did you learn?
I didn’t learn much because I’ve worked with photoshop in the past. However I learned how to add text following a path and creating the inside of a card.
What was easy?
Designing the card, working in photoshop, importing images, and pretty much everything but the challenging parts were easy.
What was challenging?
As mentioned before, the only things I didn’t know were how to make the inner sides of the card and add text following a path. I would say these were the only semi challenging parts.
How could your submission be improved?
I think my submission could be improved because the overall look of the card isn’t as pretty as I could have made it. However, I was focusing on the aspects we were discussing rather than the look itself.
How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?
I would say just allowing time to “beautify” the assignment. As the focus is on applying the things we learn during class, I just wish I could have made it prettier. (Haha) Obviously, that’s not super important but just my thoughts.
How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
I will apply my knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios in any design processes. Any work with photoshop as well, I can apply this knowledge to. I plan to use it for my internship this summer as a social media marketing intern where I will have to use photoshop to edit/create posts.
How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
I think the specific thing that helped me the most was in class instruction. The way our professor went through the processes of each aspect allowed for everyone in the class to understand and be successful.