Category: Uncategorized
Project 3: Package Design
1. I learned how to properly layout a box design with the proper tags as segments that can be folded onto a rectangular shape. 2. The easy part for me was coming up with my design. There are a lot of cereals out there, and I was happy do add a game to the back…
Project 2: Merchandise
Garrett Smario
Project 1: Menu
Project 2 Expressive Words
My Expressive words, based off of the TV show The Upside Down Show and the movie Holes.
Project 1: Creating a Font
This is the font I created. It is a variation of monospace fonts. 1. What did you learn? In this project I learned that sometimes less pixels is better for a font. Creating a font in a 16×16 grid can sometimes be more beneficial than a larger space. 2. What was easy? The easiest part…
Type Hunt!
Block Type Fonts Old English Type Fonts Script Type Fonts Roman/Serif Type Fonts
Lab 1 Blog Test
Welcome to my DMA Blog
Hello world!
Welcome to DMA Student Websites. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!