What did you learn? This project taught me that you can do so much with text on Figma. Under the “Typography” window, you can click the slider button and change a lot about the text, like its “decoration.” I also used the letter spacing tool quite frequently on this project. Certain fonts also have different style options, like italic or bold.
What was easy? I feel like I did not struggle very much with this project, maybe because I have learned so much about Figma throughout the semester. For once, I had good inspiration to go off for this project. I knew I was going to do Italy since it is probably the most interesting place I have been.
What was challenging? I had a difficult time with a few words on the page, like “lovers” and “bellissima” because I had to type each letter one-by-one to get the desired effect. It took me quite awhile to perfect the spacing of each letter in the word.
How could your submission be improved? I could have been a bit more text-heavy on the Ischia slide to show my potential, but aesthetically, it looked better with less text. I also used a lot of icons where I had awkward space, so maybe I could have thought through that better.
How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class? I believe it was difficult sticking to specific color schemes for each stamp. I tried to follow a theme, (i.e, analogus for Ischia, triadic for Positano) but they did not match the photos like I wanted to, so I had to do some adjusting to the colors. So, I’m thinking less emphasis on color scheme and more on typography.
How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? This project will definitely help me with future design work when it comes to text placement and style. I create a lot of advertisements and flyers so this will be good to know.
How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? I looked at examples of stamps from prior semesters to get a grasp of what is expected of me for the project. I also googled postcards to get inspiration for what I could say on each stamp.

Initial Stamp Ideas

The final project along with the color styles I used.