- What did you learn?
I learned that the creative process takes a lot longer and a lot more thinking than I had originally thought. I came to the realization that it’s a process which includes working on the project for a while then taking a step back, doing another task and then reapproaching the task with a fresh set of eyes which brings a new element to one’s design.
- What was easy?
I found it easy to come up with my first landscape as I could choose any set of colours that I wanted to as they then fit into one of the colour schemes which I had to follow.
- What was challenging?
The most challenging part for me was coming up with colours which I believed would fit my landscapes appropriately based on the colour schemes that I had left once I had already finished two of my landscapes.
- How could your submission be improved?
I think my submission could be improved by choosing to use different colour schemes on different landscapes as I feel like I should have used a different colour scheme on my Seascape landscape which I believe would have impacted all of my landscapes in a positive way.
- How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?
I think the professor could possibly give us a creative landscape where we choose what the landscape would entail as well as what colour scheme we wanted to use.
- How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
I am going to apply this knowledge in my future assignments by planning what I am going to do within my project first before starting my project in a digital way. That way I have a plan to follow which I think will lead to a more well-rounded project and I would have a smoother transition while designing each slide digitally
- How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
Rewatching our recorded classes helped me the most as I was able to fully understand how to union shapes as well as change the gradient and other basic tools which I believe elevated my project to a level which I do not think I could have reached had I not had access to the recorder zoom classes.