Category: Uncategorized

  • Project 1: Music Player

    What did you learn? I learned how to create a music app using Figma. What was easy? This project was not that easy. What was challenging? What was challenging about this project was making the app play music and connecting the buttons. How could your submission be improved? My submission could be improved by making…

  • Infographic Illustration

    What did you learn? I learned how to make sneakers using the pen tool in figma. What was easy? This project was not easy. What was challenging? What was challenging about this project was connecting the points using the pen tool and to put the color on the shoes. How could your submission be improved?…

  • Series Project

    What did you learn? I learned how to make a menu while using shapes and effects in Figma. What was easy? This project was easy. What was challenging? What was challenging about this project was coming up with the idea of how to make the foods. How could your submission be improved? My submission could…

  • Portrait Project

    What did you learn? I learned how to use image trace and different filters to create portraits into art. What was easy? This project was not that easy. What was challenging? What was challenging about this project was using the pen tools to trace over the image and cleaning up the filters. How could your…

  • AR Project

    What did you learn? I learned to make my own guiding app. What was easy? No, this project was not easy. What was challenging? What was challenging about this project was putting the videos in my project. How could your submission be improved? My submission could be improved by using more material in figma to…

  • Box Design Project

    What did you learn? I learned how to design a box then construct the box. What was easy? No, this project was not easy. What was challenging? What was challenging about this project was designing the box because it was difficult using Illustrator to design. How could your submission be improved? My submission could be…

  • Menu Project

    What did you learn? I learned to make my own menu. What was easy? Yes, this project was easy. What was challenging? What was challenging about this project was looking for different designs for my menu. How could your submission be improved? My submission could be improved by making a better design for my menu.…

  • Merch Project

    What did you learn? I learned to make my own products with my designs. What was easy? Not really, this project was kind of challenging. What was challenging? What was challenging about this project was using the heat press and making another logo that would work. How could your submission be improved? My submission could…

  • Website Project

    What did you learn? I learned to make a website using figma. What was easy? Not really, this project was kind of challenging. What was challenging? What was challenging about this project was the coding. How could your submission be improved? My submission could be improved by making my website have more creativity. How could…

  • Todo App Project

    What did you learn? I learned to use figma in different ways to make a working app. What was easy? Not really, this project was kind of challenging. What was challenging? What was challenging about this project was using the prototype to make my app buttons work. How could your submission be improved? My submission…