Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Classwork 1.1
Project 5: Summative
What did you learn? I learned to combine images and words in different ways What was easy? Yes this was an easy project What was challenging? Combining images with words was challenging How could your submission be improved? My submission could be improved by adding a mixture of more colors to my project How could…
Project 4: Typography
What did you learn? I learned to make words with different fonts and sizes What was easy? This was more of a difficult project What was challenging? Trying to fill in all the spaces was challenging How could your submission be improved? My submission could be improved by filling in more of the spaces and…
Project 3: Image
What did you learn? I learned to combine images in different ways What was easy? Yes this was an easy project What was challenging? Combining the images in Adobe Illustrator was challenging How could your submission be improved? My submission could be improved by adding a lot more images so my project would not be…
Project 2: Color
What did you learn? I learned to use different types of shapes and colors in different ways What was easy? Yes this was an easy project What was challenging? Using the shapes to form other objects were challenging How could your submission be improved? My submission could be improved by creating more objects and not…
DMA Blog
1. What did you learn? I learned how to use different shapes to be creative 2. What was easy? Designing Jack and Jill with shapes. 3. What was challenging? Being creative with Jack and Jill was challenging 4. How could your submission be improved? I could’ve been more creative and use more shapes to add…
Hello world!
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