What did you learn? I learned what Gestalt was and how to create a story using its principles.
What was easy? It was easy to navigate Figma as I have used the software in a previous class. However, now I feel like I have an even better grasp of the website and its features.
What was challenging? It was challenging to figure out how to incorporate Gestalt into a six line nursery rhyme. I’ve never done anything like this before so it was a great learning experience.
How could your submission be improved? I could have spent a little more time figuring out a more detailed way to create my story. My project is a pretty simple take on Gestalt regarding the Jack and Jill nursery rhyme.
How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class? The assignment is fine the way it is. This was a great first project as it got me to think abstractly which is something that was very new to me, but I enjoyed learning something different.
How might you apply your knowledge in future assignment and work scenarios? Figma is a software that I expect to see in the near future with both school assignment and work scenarios, so I will continue to improve my skills in this particular website. Regarding Gestalt, I now know more about how to use abstract illustrations in order to create a story, so that can help with future graphic design classes.
How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? The article, “Gestalt Principles Applied in Design,” by William Craig helped me further my understanding of Gestalt and what each principle meant. He incorporate examples into the article which really helped me gain a visual of what each principle could look like.