What did you learn? In this project, I learned how to merge two images together to create the metaphor, “apple of one’s eye.”
What was easy? It was easy to find both pictures that I wanted to merge together on Unsplash. There were many options to choose from on the website.
What was challenging? It was challenging to learn how to merge them together to create a seamless transition. I tried many approaches until I landed on my final design.
How could your submission be improved? I could have attempted to use Photoshop instead of Figma to get a better result as Figma was has more restrictions regarding image manipulation.
How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class? I believe that the assignment was explained well and there were also many examples to refer to for inspiration.
How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? I want to do more content creation in the future, so this is a great starting point and introduction into that.
How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? The article, “Making up Metaphors” by Medium helped me visualize different parts of common metaphors. This is what helped me create my overall project idea.