DMA 214

DMA 214 Project 2

  • What did you learn?

How to incorporate 4 different color palettes into there own design.

  • What was easy?

I found creating the designs with analogues, split-comp and triadic to be the easiest color palettes to work with in there respected scenery.

  • What was challenging?

Creating a city design using a complementary color palette was quite difficult due to the lack of different colors I had at my disposal.

  • How could your submission be improved?

I could have used more gradients in my designs.

  • How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?

I wish we spent a little more time going over color theory in class rather then reading the articles online.

  • How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?

I’ll create my future color palettes using the color rules and palettes that were used during this project and incorporate them into my future works.