- What did you learn?
I learned how to create interactions in Figma for example creating a slide in menu that allows you to change frames that can be pulled in and out of the frame your currently on. I learned how to create pop ups in incorporate them as features in my design.
- What was easy?
Brain storming an idea and coming up with my design was the easiest part of the project. once i had a rough idea i wanted to create the over design came to me with ease.
- What was challenging?
The challenging part to this assignment was creating all the pop ups and features in Figma like my slide in menu and fake edit text button because it wasn’t something i have previously done in my other classes or pass assignment so it was all new to me.
- How could your submission be improved?
When designing my app I should have thought about what features i want in my design before i start working on my final design for the project.
- How could I improve the assignment for the next class?
In my opinion nothing needs to be changed or added for this assignment to be improved for the next class.
- How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
In my future assignment I can add the features and interactions that i learned how to make and apply them to future design projects’.
- How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? Refer to a specific reading or link for this; do not reference a class video or lecture.
Iconify helped a lot with finding icons for my app.