1. What did you learn? I learned a lot of new things with this project. The first thing I learned was how to create a texture from an existing photo. Another thing I learned is how to use the pen tool to create a layer shape on one of my images.
2. What was easy? Something I found easy was scaling the images so they fit on the screen and placing them in a way so they don’t look crowded.
3. What was challenging? The challenging part of this project for me was using the pen tool. It is very awkward to use at first and I kept messing up the shape. Eventually I got it and it turned out decent.
4. How could your submission be improved? I think the submission could be improved by finding better ways to incorporate the elements of the composition. Alone all the aspects look good but together, there could be better ways to arrange them.
5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class? I personally had no problems with the assignment, it was straightforward and at the same time allowed for some creativity to show with this composition.
6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? I could apply this knowledge to create unique and diverse backgrounds by use textures from images. I could also use this knowledge to make a collage of images and arrange them so they look aesthetically pleasing.
7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? I think the videos the professor made for the class went pretty in depth and it was not hard to follow along. I took many aspects from the video and applied them to my work in different ways.