1. What did you learn? For one, I did learn about infographics and how maps can be an example of one. I learned how to use the live paint tool which can color specific sections of a composition. Lastly I learned how to make a banner using simple shapes.
2. What was easy? Something that was easy was creating the banner for the name of the town. Another thing I found easy was finding a place to do my map on. I knew I wanted to do that location because it was small and had many points of interest.
3. What was challenging? I don’t think anything was really challenge in this project. It was more tedious than anything because of the pen tool which I would mess up sometimes and I would have to redo a street all over again. Other than that it was easy and straightforward.
4. How could your submission be improved? I think my submission could be improved by adding more points of interest. My map looks kind of empty and adding some more buildings to it would help it look more complete.
5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class? An improvement that could be made to the assignment would be to go into more detail with the instructions.
6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? I can use what I learned in this project to create more infographics and for other types not just maps. I now am well versed in Illustrator which will help me when I need to use it for something like an infographic.
7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? I don’t think a video really inspired me during this project. It was more my own experiences and imagination that inspired me to make this infographic.