- What did you learn? I learned how to design another app this time a mobile game. I learned what an elevator pitch was and how to present it. Additionally, I learned how to create a QR code for my prototype.
- What was easy? The easy part of this project was designing the slides. Once I had a idea and a colorway in mind, I just started working and working and the idea that I had in my head started forming on Figma.
- What was challenging? The hard part of this project was deciding on an idea in the first place. I knew I wanted to create a game but what kind of game was the question. I wanted to make it simple so it would be easier to design, but complex enough that it would be a decent game to play. I finally settled on a fill in the blank sort of game as I thought that could be fun to play.
- How could your submission be improved? My submission could be improved by adding more animations into the app. It does look a bit bland as you click through but then again the idea is to show off the design more.
- How could I improve the assignment for the next class? I don’t see anything you should change about this project. It gives enough freedom to where you could make a multitude of different apps, but it still gives a clear boundaries.
- How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? I could use my skills to create an app that could help people through tough times and maybe change the world.
- How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? A video on different mobile games inspired me to create a mobile game with this project. I thought that there’s not a lot of mobile games that people are willing to play at the moment so why not create one and see where I go with it.
Here’s the link to my prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/z9GUx66YTXUKW8ZOJ0OAVj/Project-2?page-id=0%3A1&node-id=2%3A3&viewport=241%2C48%2C0.14&scaling=scale-down&starting-point-node-id=2%3A3