- What did you learn? With this project, I learned about all the different colorways you can use. I learned how to use colors to create depth in my landscapes by using different shades and tints of the same color. I also learned how to create a landscape with simple shapes.
- What was easy? The easy part of this project was choosing a colorway for each landscape slide. Just by looking at the theme I instantly knew what colors I wanted to use.
- What was challenging? The challenging part of this project was again, putting all the elements together. I spent hours arranging the pieces of the landscape so they would convey the feeling of the theme. It was also a lot of experimenting with what worked and what didn’t.
- How could your submission be improved? My submission could be improved by adding some more things into some of the landscapes. As I look them over there is probably more I can add especially in the desert artboard.
- How could I improve the assignment for the next class? You could improve the assignment by making one of the artboards a “pick your own theme” kind of thing so that students have the opportunity to make a landscape that they might be interested in.
- How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? I might apply the skills I learned to create very compelling and detailed landscapes maybe for a cartoon of some sort.
- How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? A specific video I found on YouTube helped me a lot with making landscapes. in particular it helped me to understand depth of field better and how to create it using different shades of a color.