- What did you learn? In project 4, I learned how to arrange elements in a grid system to make it look aesthetically pleasing for a stamp design. I also learned that pairing serif and san serif fonts look great in contrast with each other.
- What was easy? The easy part of this project was finding the images and materials to design the stamps with.
- What was challenging? I found it challenging to find different fonts that fit the theme of the project. I also found it challenging to arrange the pictures and the words so that they fit in the rule of thirds grid system.
- How could your submission be improved? My submission could probably be improved by making the fonts different colors or changing the colors of the squares completely.
- How could I improve the assignment for the next class? You could improve the assignment by letting the students choose a theme that is not a place. That way there are many more possibilities on what the stamps could look like.
- How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? I could apply my knowledge to design graphics like the stamps in the future because I have a good grip on the rule of thirds.
- How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? Something that helped me in this project was a reading on the rule of thirds. I also looked up some stamp designs on google to get an idea of what I would do.