What did you learn?
I did not learn anything new. Figma is new to me, however, I took a DMA 201 class and were I was introduced to Adobe Illustrator. Figma is a new site but the tools provided in Figma is not new.
What was easy?
Since Adobe Illustrator is a software I really enjoy using, Figma was easy to get acquainted to. I also really enjoyed just doodling. I already doodle in my science classes but I finally get to doddle for a class and get rewarded!
What was challenging?
Even though doodling is pretty “easy”, it’s challenging to be put on the spot and told to just do what I feel like. It kinda feels to good to be true in a way, which leads me to be lost for doodles.
How could your submission be improved?
Honestly, I feel like I could have worked with Figma a little more. I have some shapes but looking back at it I could have easily filled the artboard with more shapes. I did try to show as much of my skills as I could in the least amount of shapes, which I do think I was a successful in. However, the semi bare art board seems a little unimpressive.
How can the professor improve the assignment in the future?
Personally, I think this a really good lab for being an introduction. It gets the students aquated with Figma, if they have never used it, and it allows us to settle into the class and feel more comfortable since it is easy and fun.
How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
Well, using a sketchbook still feels relatively foreign to me. However, now that it was required for me to write down my thoughts and ideas, I feel like I will be using a sketch book for general brainstorming a lot more. This will be very useful for me in the jobs I am interested in, medical doctor or game design, and it will only better any project I work on since all my thoughts will be saved and not just lost in the labyrinth that is my brain.
How did a specific reading, video or example inspire or help you?
It did not per say inspire me but the website that was linked brought up many funny images. These images made me laugh, which undoubtedly helped me by putting me in a better mood, which often lead to me being more productive.