Project 1 DMA 217-Reflection

  • What did you learn?

Making and working with this app allowed me to learned about prototype-building mechanics and also its importance of connecting all the elements, components, figures, and many other things that are part of the project.

  • What was easy?

I found relatedly easy creating components and prototypes. To be more specific, at first it was a little tricky to manage but it all made sense once I reviewed the recorded lessons and gave a few more tries.

  • What was challenging?

I found particularly challenging working with the buttons, specially the part where we had to add like a second color to it.

  • How could your submission be improved?

Since some of them are not working properly, my submission could be improved by fixing up the color that should appear after I click on the buttons.

  • How could I improve the assignment for the next class?

Even if it’s not needed, the professor could give more emphasis on how to make a proper logo.

  • How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?

I would apply my knowledge in future assignments by giving emphasis towards the design because I noticed that editing multiple times not only fixes a lot of bugs and mistakes, but also adds vivid elements and clarity to the overall design of the project.

  • How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?

I don’t have a specific reading or video that inspired me to do the project, but it was really helpful and motivating when the professor went over the projects of my classmates because I got the chance to fix some similar issues and also be more creative with it.

Link to project 1: