Category: Project 1
DMA 370-Project 1: Music Player
In this project alone I learned how important using auto layout is for components to work efficiently and look professional. Using auto layout was easy and pretty interactive in terms of using the tool. At the Main Menu, the apps scrolling down were easy to do as I followed with the instructor, but trying to…
Project 2
What did you learn? I learned how to use VS Code to program my website page and also how to edit public websites by clicking the “inspect” button. What was easy? I think working with Figma to make the website was the easiest part of this project. How could your submission be improved?…
Project 1 DMA 217-Reflection
Making and working with this app allowed me to learned about prototype-building mechanics and also its importance of connecting all the elements, components, figures, and many other things that are part of the project. I found relatedly easy creating components and prototypes. To be more specific, at first it was a little tricky to manage…
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