Howdy! I’m honestly not entirely sure what this will be about but I’m starting off with posting my projects introduced in my DMA 210 course. Best of luck to me and anyone else who stubbles upon this!
Project 4: Safety of Home (file to big to post :( )
.) Starting on this final project, it took me long and hard to find a theme fitting what I trying to capture: the feeling of safety through the word of ‘Home’. Between learning about the facets of premiere and digging though the archives of my phone to find what I was looking for; this was… Continue reading Project 4: Safety of Home (file to big to post 🙁 )
Project 3: Final Product
Starting into this project, I was positively ecstatic. My enthusiasm shown through the conception ease of multiple chess pieces on photoshop (this was the easiest part) … only to come face to face with what was most challenging for me (the software). Maya shut down all hope of enjoying 3D modeling. Ultimately, going to YouTube… Continue reading Project 3: Final Product
Project 3: Final Concept
Starting into this project, I was positively ecstatic. My enthusiasm shown through the conception ease of multiple chess pieces on photoshop (this was the easiest part) … only to come face to face with what was most challenging for me (the software). Maya shut down all hope of enjoying 3D modeling. Ultimately, going to YouTube… Continue reading Project 3: Final Concept
Project 3: Prototype Concept
Starting into this project, I was positively ecstatic. My enthusiasm shown through the conception ease of multiple chess pieces on photoshop (this was the easiest part) … only to come face to face with what was most challenging for me (the software). Maya shut down all hope of enjoying 3D modeling. Ultimately, going to YouTube… Continue reading Project 3: Prototype Concept
Project 2: M.E.W
Starting into this project, I learned how much I absolutely despise vectors. For me, the easiest part of this assignment was the transition from illustrator to photoshop and coming up with the logo was probably what kept me stumped the longest. If I could redo this assignment, I would probably practice more with vectors and… Continue reading Project 2: M.E.W
Project 1: Photoshop C
Starting into this project, I had to familiarize myself with the layout of Photoshop (including all tools and programs) The learning curve provided the most challenge for me seeing as I only ever used gimp up to this point. Easily the easiest part, and what I enjoyed most, was exploring the different paint/erase tools and… Continue reading Project 1: Photoshop C
Project 1: Photoshop B
Starting into this project, I had to familiarize myself with the layout of Photoshop (including all tools and programs) The learning curve provided the most challenge for me seeing as I only ever used gimp up to this point. Easily the easiest part, and what I enjoyed most, was exploring the different paint/erase tools and… Continue reading Project 1: Photoshop B
Project 1: Photoshop A
Starting into this project, I had to familiarize myself with the layout of Photoshop (including all tools and programs) The learning curve provided the most challenge for me seeing as I only ever used gimp up to this point. Easily the easiest part, and what I enjoyed most, was exploring the different paint/erase tools and… Continue reading Project 1: Photoshop A