Project 4: Safety of Home (file to big to post :( )

.) Starting on this final project, it took me long and hard to find a theme fitting what I trying to capture: the feeling of safety through the word of ‘Home’. Between learning about the facets of premiere and digging though the archives of my phone to find what I was looking for; this was the longest project to complete overall. However, this is not the most challenging aspect. It was the exporting of archived videos that took me an entire class day preparing and emailing and exporting again that was just downright frustrating. Editing the footage was the cakewalk for this assignment as seeing as how long it took just for me to find a theme; It probably would not be terribly difficult to have students start thinking about this assignment earlier in the semester vs the last few weeks. From what I have learned, this project helped me narrow my career choices away from footage editing (of which I have been debating since I joined the class). YouTube helped exponentially once again (4/4) for the finer points of this assignment.