- What did you learn?
In this project I learned how to create die strikes and image bleeds in order to optimize projects for print.
- What was easy?
The easy part of this project was organizing the type for the menu and table tent in Adobe InDesign.
- What was challenging?
The challenging aspect of this project was understanding how the digital design would translate when printed.
- How could your submission be improved?
My submission could have been improved if there was less empty space on the inner right side of the menu. I also feel that some of the images could have been larger.
- How can the professor improve the assignment in the future?
I think the assignment could be improved by making the table tent and menu two separate assignments.
- How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments?
By doing this assignment, I have learned a lot about creating designs for the purpose of print. This knowledge will definitely be helpful for when I have to create future projects for print.