1. What did you learn?
I learned how to use Unreal to make a video game/game design. I learned the basics of using the software, including how to make a pawn on Maya and insert it into Unreal, how to make my own texture, and how to insert things within the game.
2. What was easy?
To me, this project was definitely the most challenging thus far as I have never done anything like this and I have never heard of Unreal or Maya before.
3. What was challenging?
Honestly everything about this project was pretty challenging to me, which got frustrating at times. However, the outcome of the project was pretty cool to see which made this whole project feel very rewarding to me.
4. How could your submission be improved?
I think maybe spending more time and getting more creative with my design would improve my submission, however I kept getting pretty stumped with the project so I tried my best to do my best on this project.
5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?
I would say maybe giving us more time to work on it might be helpful as this project was very time consuming and it was also difficult which made it even more time consuming.
6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
Learning how to use both Unreal and Maya through this project might help me with future assignments or work scenarios as I now know how to use the basics of two more softwares, learning game design throughout the project and how to create my own objects. This could help me as if I ever need to do this in my future I will now know how to on these softwares.
7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
Watching a video on YouTube of someone using Maya helped me figure out a step in making my first pawn that had me stuck. It helped me resolve the issue and finish that portion of the project.
8. Post images of your work.