From completing this project I realized how much goes into the design of an app, and how difficult it is to create animations in a way that expresses my vision correctly. The easy part was just getting started but the more I worked on it the more difficult it got. I normally never run into any problems while using Figma, but for some reason everything that could have gone wrong did. I had a lot of problems with sizing, the option-drag function was glitching, and I had incorrect dimensions and did not notice until I thought I was done and tested the prototypes. Figma also had a glitch with creating the grid lines, so I had no way of checking if my work was correctly lined up or not.
I think if I had more knowledge on how to create certain functions and more advanced animations in Figma that my project would have been more successful in displaying what the app’s unique functionalities are. I think if we did another lab on animation using more advanced techniques I would have felt more confident in creating animations.
There were a lot of little things that I did not know about design like creating drop shadows. Completing this project made me consider small details that would improve my project, and gave me more advanced knowledge on Figma tools that will help me during future projects and work scenarios. Something that inspired my app’s design was the 99designs article “Skeuomorphism vs. Flat Design”. I liked how simplistic flat design is which made me want to focus on that in my design. Overall, besides the many issues I encountered with Figma while designing my music app I still really enjoyed completing this project. I put a lot of time and effort into this project and I am really happy with my designs and the functionalities of my app.