I learned a lot about my creativity throughout this project and how to morph things to the specific way I want them. Once I got the hang of it, creating items in Maya was pretty easy and honestly pretty fun. It was a lot of organic shapes that I was able to morph into the way I wanted it. It was challenging figuring out how to move around to get to where I wanted to within my game in Unreal. I had trouble right up until the end with moving around. My submission could probably be improved by making it more game like. I could have gone vertically so there were places for my avatar to go upward instead of just little rooms in the square that Unreal made for us. I think it would’ve definitely given it a more game like feel. I don’t really think there is too much to improve with this assignment. It allows for the students to discover a lot on our own and ask for help when needed, but for the most part everything was straight forward after we were initially taught what it was. I could apply this to future scenarios by using Maya to create ideas into physical pieces to give a better visual representation of something instead of just having to imagine it. It would allow for something to be changed based on multiple imaginations instead of everyone thinking different things. There wasn’t too much that inspired me for this project. I was going with the flow of what the game was looking like and changed things as I went to see what looked the best together or what I wanted to try out.