I learned how I can make intros and edit videos for future classes when needed. I think those skills will be very important for me in later years. I think the easiest part was probably actually inputting the videos into premiere and editing them. I had a really hard time figuring out how to make the title sequence at first, but when I figured it out it became pretty easy. The other part that I found pretty difficult was making the soundtrack. I didn’t really know where I wanted to start with the soundtrack, but I had an idea of the emotion I wanted it to show. I think I probably could have spent more time at making the specific video clips fit with each other and with the soundtrack because there were a couple parts they were almost perfect, but they were slightly off from the soundtrack. I think we could’ve spent more time on actually inputting the videos into premiere and going through how to do transitions with the videos a couple more times. I think there are going to be situations throughout my college career where a video may be an option for an assignment and sometimes a video can portray a message better than anything else and now I can make my assignments more appealing both to my professors and to my classmates. I think the parts that inspired me are in movies when you hear the dramatic music and someone becomes really mad and starts charging towards someone else and a fight breaks out. I think that is kind of the idea I was going for throughout my video.