In this project I learned how to prototype using Figma and test my app using Maze. I have also learned how to create assets within my project. It was very easy to design each frame within my project. Initially I did find it challenging to be able to prototype and make everything work such as the buttons but was quickly able to learn. I also struggled to update Maze as I made changes to my project on Figma. I first refreshed the page but when I saw that wasn’t working I was confused. However, I noticed a ‘refresh prototype’ button on the top right side of Maze and that’s when I was able to update my project. I could have changed the background color a bit as it was too bright. I also could have added a time and date feature instead of just the task itself. There really isn’t anything you can improve on for the next assignment. Everything was perfect to me. I can apply my knowledge to future assignments by allowing users to test it first so I can receive feedback. I can also simply just think like a user would as well as a designer. There honestly was not a specific reading or video that helped me.