In my project I used the metaphor ‘brainstorming’. In this project I learned, well relearned since I forgot, how to combine more than one image. It was easy finding photos that I wanted to use. However, it was very challenging making those photos appear more realistic and not just plastered onto a photoshop document. My submission could be improved by making the photos more realistic and pop out to the viewer. Another way my submission could be improved was by using Figma. I am most familiar with Figma compared to Illustrator and Photoshop, but I wanted to step out of my comfort zone. However, using Figma would have helped me more since I am used to Figma. Lastly, I could have used a better head to put the brain in. It looks out of place.

I can apply my knowledge to future work scenarios by being able to combine more than one image on Photoshop or Illustrator on top of the other things I mentioned above that I can improve on. In an example provided, a former student named Manny Ramirez’s background caught my attention. I really liked the way his sky looked. It was graphically detailed. Also the clock is shaped like a bird which was a great design.