Question One: What did I learn
- Well in short I learned how to use gradients more effectively to make realistic lighting in a scene, This can be seen on the ground of the urban piece, as well as the planet on extraterrestrial.
- I learned how to use and manipulate the flare tool which is incredibly powerful and the aspect of the desert landscape that brings it to life.
Question Two: What was easy?
- Definitely the desert landscape I think. I have already done one in the past and I think that it came naturally a second time around.
Question Three: What was challenging?
- Easily the most challenging part was getting the correct perspective on the urban environment. I spent many hours trying to get the angles of the signs and doors just right to agree with the shapes of the buildings. This easily took the longest alongside the detailing for the gradients.
- Second most challenging was probably trying to make the planet for extraterrestrial look as realistic as possible while also keeping it simple.
Question Four: How could your submission be improved?
- If I had more time and inspiration for each Im sure I could improve them all to some degree, even if its a small change.
Question Five: How could I improve the assignment for the next class?
- Just spend more time evenly on each piece of the project instead of devoting my time to mostly one(*cough* *cough* urban).
Question Six: How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
- I will just keep trying new tools for each project to make something cooler than the last.
Question Seven: How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
- Our zoom meeting about making gradients and using the blend tool was very helpful for the extraterrestrial.
- Doctor Dunkles critiques were very helpful in polishing each piece to make them all much better than if he hadn’t taken a look at them.