DMA 395 Project 1

Left: Illustrator Portrait of Sykkuno | Right: Photoshop Portrait of Sykkuno
What did you learn?
I learned how to use both photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. For photoshop I learned more about how to use filters to enhance or aid the making of an artwork, and for Illustrator I learned how to use the pen tool and ways to make a photo look more stylized.
What was easy?
The easiest part of this project was making the photoshop art, I found I was more used to this way of making art, as it was something that was not entirely new to me.
What was challenging?
The most challenging part of this project was figuring out how to color in the illustrator work, I found it difficult as every time I did crt+z it would undo more than one action, which was frustrating.
How could your submission be improved?
My photoshop submission could be improved by spending more time on the face and making it more stylized. I found that the face that i did in photoshop did not turn out exactly as I had hoped.
How could I improve the assignment for the next class?
This assignment could be improved by showing more stylized portraits that could be an example of what students can do, towards the end of the project, instead of customizing a portrait with filters, I was much more interested in customizing it with drawing/coloring.
How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
I could use my new knowledge of illustrator to make simple graphics for other projects and classes, or even to further improve/customize my portfolio.
How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
I really like this video that was shared with us: link. I liked how this technique made the portrait look more hand drawn, as you would add your own touch ups as the finishing touches. This is what majorly inspired my photoshop piece.
Prefinal Work & Original Image: