1. What did you learn?
In Project 2, I learned many things! First, I downloaded a texture and applied it for the first time. Then, I learned more about creating a background. I began with a simple clouds background then used the paint tool to create a new background with the texture. Additionally, I became more comfortable with the pen tool and making my shape transparent.
2. What was easy?
Due to my background in photoshop, I found numerous things easy! This includes cropping and scaling all three images, creating a background (clouds), and using the pen tool to make a shape out of my third image.
3. What was challenging?
In this project, I found working with the texture to be the most challenging. Prior to this, I only used textures from my photographs. Instead of doing that, I downloaded a texture from the website you recommended – which is out of my comfort zone. However, after re-watching the class and experimenting, I solved my minor issues and created an image I am satisfied with.
4. How could your submission be improved?
I believe that my submission could be improved with the texture aspect of the project. I did not like how my only option for the texture was my dog’s fur. So, I downloaded a texture from the website you recommended. As a result, I would have spent longer searching for a better or more effective texture for my project.
5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?
I believe the professor did an excellent job providing information, answering questions, and showing examples with this assignment. I really do not think this assignment can be improved for the next class – it is already well thought out and explained!
6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
In regards to future assignments or work scenarios, I think that my knowledge about Photoshop. I know a lot about the program and can my knowledge to freelance and professional work.
7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
In this project, there was not a specific reading or video that inspired or helped me. Since the images I used are from Project 1, I wanted to portray my dogs in a different way. Here, my dogs (Teddy and Toby) are shown in a unique and artistic way whereas the first project portrays them in a very realistic, yet enhanced, way. As a result, my project was influenced by Project 1.