I learned how to more effectively color my projects, and work towards telling a story in a picture without saying a single word.
What was easy?
Designing the backdrop and color schemes.
What was challenging?
Figuring out how to properly light the scene, to really make the colors pop in a realistic way.
How could your submission be improved?
Maybe with more featured items? The other planets, the entire solar system in the distance, etc.
How could I improve the assignment for the next class?
Maybe allow other sources besides photographic images, creativity is best when not limited to 1 outlet.
How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
Creating enticing environments that tell their own story or have something to say for themselves. Working on this project gave me insight on how to move forward with an idea of using images to portray a metaphor like this.
How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
Didn’t really find videos or readings helpful. I pondered a few ideas, including my “The Knight in White” idea where a doctor resembles a Knight in shining armor with his white cloak, a shield mask, and a needle sword, fighting off the pandemic. But the idea was too complex and offered me very little room to work around it without messing up the original vision. So i decided to go with the basics, and start small, and simple.