Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Project 4: Typography Reflection majerskp
Link: https://www.figma.com/file/G57kLHluTx3TRzDbLXPUY7/DMA214-Project-4%3A-Typography-majerskp?type=design&node-id=0-1&mode=design&t=ZMPd9GcmbJ9T3fJE-0
Project 1 DMA 214 Digital Design Concepts
Questions: Link: file:///C:/Users/majerskp/Downloads/DMA214%20project%201%20starter%20file%20(Copy).pdf
DMA 217A Project 1: ToDo App Blog Reflection Post
Menu: My AccountSettingsMy TasksLog Out Master Frame: HeaderLabelPlaceholder✔FooterButton Link: https://www.figma.com/design/3KU3vNaWWqaJOW6rTMhMLv/Majerskp-DMA217-Lab1?version-id=2183930100539966180&node-id=0-1&p=f&t=iQkVCXKYJqM2fU4o-0
Project 5: Summative Reflection majerskp
Link: https://www.figma.com/file/8feQOwucPkqFOwjNwRR087/Project-5-Summative-majerskp?type=design&node-id=0-1&mode=design&t=RibtBZX0dIu5fVpp-0
Project 3: Image Reflection ?’s
File: majerskp_Love_is_War.psd PDF: majerskp_Love_is_War.jpg
Project 2: Color Reflection
1. I learned how I can use multiple colors in different styles. 2. The project itself was easy once I got started and knew what I wanted to do. 3. It was a little difficult figuring out what I wanted to do. 4. I could add more detail to my project. 5. I don’t personally…
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