After completing project three, I learned a few things. One obviously I learned a new program in blender, but I also learned the process of rendering 3d models of objects, and learned about the game design process. I definitely have a lot of respect for these game devs who build hyper realistic models and renderings after getting more familiar with their process. For me, the easy part was the actual modeling process, in deciding where to put the points and how I would change my original design to something a bit more fun. The challenging part was in the actual placing of the points. I had to get used to using the G key shortcut, and I kept getting confused with the process of adjusting my paths laid down. I feel that my submission could be improved if I made my sculptures a bit more symmetrical. I decided to make my pawn a bit of a UFO, and I added spikes on the bottom so the pawn could smash the other pieces it goes near when it lands on them. I think that the project could definitely improve on maybe asking for a more challenging or in depth model to be made, maybe a rook or even a queen could have been a fun challenge. In future scenarios, I can definitely see myself being creative how I was in this project to come up with a fun idea as an iteration to spice and change things up a bit. I actually watched a video on youtube about game development software, as it is something i’ve always been interested, and it helped me in my creative process in choosing to collide worlds of science fiction by adding an extraterrestrial element to my original chess piece. I saw a game dev change something so classic and traditional into something super innovative and new and it just gave me the idea of trying something creative.