What I learned from this lab is how to more properly use the illustrator Pen Tool. What was easy was that once i learned how to do everything it became simply and easy. What was challenging was learning how to properly make the lines and different functions work. The assignment could be improved by making it more clear what we are suppose to do.
Small image used to create texture. A Gray with an addition of noise.
In this lab I learned how to create textures with using solo tools in photoshop. Using these tools i can create much more unique textures to use in future images instead of just importing images. With these techniques such as the gradient tool, i can improve the look of images i do import to Photoshop. It was also interesting to learn how to crop images to make a texture to fill an image, as this could lead to many interesting textures to use in future images.
For this project, the reason I choose the images that I did was because of the personal connection I have to them. I am a geek and so the images I choose are geek related. Of the pictures i took with a camera, they are either from my collection of geek things i had collected over the years along with my xbox controller that i use to play video games. Of the scanned images i choose, they are either from comic i love or special/rare editions comics i have collected.
Image 1-Old comic from 90s, Image 2-Issue 100 of TWD, Image 3-Issue from2015 BotCon. Image 4-Issue from first Free Comic Book Day I attended, Image 5-Basis for my favorite marvel Movie, Image 6-2nd Edition of First Star Wars Issue, Image 7-Loved image from a great series of comics. Image 8-Loved image that is a dark reflection of a former issue, Image 9-First Graphic Novel I purchased, Image 10-Great series that I love, Image 11-My xbox Controller, Image 12-Collection of characters from RvB that i have collected, Image 13-Collection of Transformers I have collected, Image 14-Iron Man Infinity Gauntlet from Avengers Endgame, Image 15-Favorite Volume of all time, Image 16-Second favorite Volume
Through this project I learned how important but also simple some color collection can be to an image to improve its quality. The most challenging thing about the Project was just figuring out the best color combinations to use. This will help me in future works as this has shown me a great and easy way to improve images in future works.
In this image i used masks on both the banana and rose to separate them from the background to provide a better image. I also used a mask on the letters and put them on the brick background to give the effect. For the letters i used the same method as above just with a different background. With the model her hair was all over the place with the background so i used a background eraser to remove the sky while keeping her hair.
All of the techniques used in this lab better increase the quality of photos. In the past when I would use photoshop, I would try to do these same things but without these tools which made the task much harder. these methods greatly increase the quality of work able to be produced while decrease the time needed to do it.
The reason that i choose these images is because they are the things i either love to do or things i love. Many of the images were of comic books that i have collected over the years and i have worked hard on collecting. Some of the images are either from stories i love while others are rare copies such as the 2nd edition Star Wars comic. One of the things i included was my xbox controller because that is something i really like to do and spend a lot of time with. The other images, like the comics are just from properties that i have loved for years and like to collect from. The final image is a picture of my dogs because they are my favorite and are great. For all the images of comics i scanned them while the others i took pictures with high quality camera. Overall the photoshop patchworks was used to drastically increase the quality of the images.