1. What did you learn?
I learned what vector graphics are and how they differ from other image formats, as well as how to create vector graphics and format business cards using Adobe Illustrator. I also learned about appropriate font choices and how to create a balanced and readable business card.
2. What was easy?
The easiest part was probably choosing a color scheme and incorporating it. It took a while to figure it out, but using things like grids in Illustrator were fairly easy since I had already gotten used to it in Photoshop. The pen tool was pretty challenging, but I found it to be far easier to use and more intuitive in Illustrator than in Photoshop.
3. What was challenging?
I thought it was pretty challenging to actually come up with a logo. I like what I came up with overall, but I drew out a lot of different designs before I decided on one that I liked. I also thought that the pen tool, though a lot better than in Photoshop, was pretty difficult to master. Over the course of the project though, I definitely got a lot better.
4. How could your submission be improved?
I ultimately like the design of my business card, but I feel like it could maybe be improved if I made the logo side of the card a little smaller or the text a little bigger, as that might give it more balance. Alternatively, maybe a lighter colored background for the logo would have helped the text side of the card feel less dominated by the logo side.
5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?
I liked the way that the assignment was set up; I found all of the instructions to be pretty easy to understand and I didn’t have any real issues. The only thing was that being online was probably a detriment to the assignment, but I still thought the powerpoints and videos were enough to help me figure everything out.
6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
I think that knowing how to design a business card will probably be helpful later on in my professional life, as I will have the skills to be able to create my own or maybe even help others make theirs. In addition, I think that understanding Illustrator could be helpful in future assignments or work scenarios as I’ll be able to create my own custom vector graphics for various assignments.