
Lab 6 Discussion

Lab 6 we worked with Blender to create a 3d chess piece. Blender is an easy to use software that was easily accessible and simple. I followed the directions off of D2L and had little struggle figuring out how to navigate the software. There are a variety of ways to make shapes expand and compress, as well as rotating and scaling the shapes to different sizes. All of this was readily available through edit mode and using shortcuts. In order to specify what part of an object you want to edit, you simply must highlight the “points” throughout the object, at the top or bottom. Through this I created my own signature chess piece that looks like a king without the crazy crown. Although Blender is easy to use, I am still not advanced enough to understand making the unique shapes found at the top of a chess piece.

See the source image

Project 2

Project 2 was an exciting one to me that I found to be useful considering what we were making, as well as how. I’ve always been fascinating by coding but have never found time to learn about it. Although it was much easier to code due to the professor’s instructions and the easy format that the Brackets application offers, I still found it to be cool. I struggled exporting my logo into Brackets from Adobe Illustrator. Coloors was cool as well because it allowed me to make the resume my own and something I could use this summer for a job during break and next year for an internship. I also probably spent the most time on this project because Brackets worked on my computer, and I did not have to access the computers in Lyons to use any exclusive software.


Lab 5 Discussion

For Lab 5, we worked on prototyping on Figma by creating an imaginary app. The Figma website allows us to prototype and create links through different button features that take us form one page to another. I made mine a fitness app that allows people to track workouts and see tutorials on how to perform each workout. The buttons were hard to make and I believe I followed instructions correctly as I created different components, starting with the master component on the app home screen. The other components were used taking the master component and editing each button in order to fit the function of the button such as making a menu screen, that leads to a list of workouts. The workout lists includes the different body parts, which are labeled. If you select core, it will take you to a list of core workouts. From there, you are able to chose crunches, clicking on this component takes the user to tutorials and the suggested setsXreps for the workout, as well as an image. The program was kind of tricky and I had trouble duplicating the same aesthetic on the app for each page. This is something I am looking to correct later in the semester.

See the source image