Project 3

What did you learn?

I learned how to roughly navigate through Unity, and utilize its tools to create a little world in any way I want. I also then learned how to add a character, and then have the ability to explore through the world.

What was easy?

I wouldn’t say much was easy, the easiest part was probably exporting the project, it was pretty straightforward.

What was challenging?

Navigating through Unity was very difficult for me, the tools and layout seemed pretty foreign, I struggled to move around through my world while creating it a bit.

How could your submission be improved?

I think I could probably add some more to the world, use different landscape assets, maybe add some waterfalls or something.

How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?

I lost one of my projects, and there were a lot of issues starting up Unity, accessing old projects, and exporting, maybe some better explanations about those parts of the project would be nice. Also though, Unity did seem a little bit unpredictable, so I feel like there isn’t much the professor could have done to prevent these issues.

How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?

Well now I know how to create 3d objects in Unity, I’m sure I could utilize that skill quite a bit whether that be with animation, or just for fun.

How did a specific reading or video found outside of class  inspire or help you?

I don’t think I really used anything outside of class, I just followed the slides, and if I found any problems, I would try to troubleshoot it myself.