Category: Uncategorized

  • DMA214 Blog Post 1

    1. What did you learn? 2. What was easy? 3. What was challenging? 4. How could your submission be improved? 5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class? 6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? 7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or…

  • Project 4

    What did you learn? I learned how to use Soundtrap to create a soundtrack for a video. What was easy? Using Premiere was pretty easy, I’m pretty used to working with it and understand it rather well. What was challenging? Coming up with a prompt for the film was probably the most challenging part. Creating…

  • Project 3

    What did you learn? I learned how to roughly navigate through Unity, and utilize its tools to create a little world in any way I want. I also then learned how to add a character, and then have the ability to explore through the world. What was easy? I wouldn’t say much was easy, the…

  • Project 2

    Samuel’s Website Here is my website that I made using Figma to show my portfolio and resume. Click here for the link to the website Reflection While working on this project I learned how to use Figma, I also learned a bit about web design, how to make things look appealing, and how to link…

  • Project 1

    What did you learn? I learned how to design and print a card using photoshop and adobe acrobat. What was easy? The photoshop was pretty easy for me, I’m pretty familiar with the workflow in photoshop, and mostly comfortable with it. What was challenging? Learning adobe acrobat was a bit difficult, it definitely took me a…