Project 2: Color

1. What did you learn?

I learned more about colors and how you can change and match them. I also learned and became more familiar with Figma and making things like vectors alongside utilizing them.

2. What was easy?

The choosing of colors for my specific landscapes

3. What was challenging?

Creating depth and making them look engaging while also not cluttered as I like going for a very minimalistic style.

4. How could your submission be improved?

I could definitely spend more time on my Tropical frame as I had some difficulty actualizing my concept for it.

It is definitely my weakest one and the one I had the most difficulty with, I want to try and potentially improve it more as I learned a lot from my work on my other landscapes and could definitely better portray what I was originally trying to go for.

5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?

I liked the layout of the project, don’t really have any complaints.

6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?

I can utilize my experience gained in making perspective and color schemes to be more efficient and better put forward my ideas.

My last frame and the one I’m most proud of how it turned out, as I was able to apply some of the things I learned in my other frames to improve how it looked.

7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?

Seeing other people’s work inspired me a lot and gave me ideas on what to do and how to potentially do it.



