- What did you learn?
I learned new terminology such as the term “onboarding”. Onboarding process is the user’s first impression of your application. If the app is designed effectively, the user has a positive response during the onboarding process. Pagination is another word I learned which means the results per view. I also discovered the different categories of the application such as front end (user archive, pagination, search, sort, filters, alerts) and back end (dashboard/statistics/graphs, user management, messaging). It was cool to learn this new terminology while creating my app!
- What was easy?
I thought the easy part was finding pictures and information for my customer relationship management application. I wanted to do a CRM focused on Broadway and found it fun to look for pictures and information related to Broadway.
- What was challenging?
I thought the challenging part was making sure all the measurements from the pictures and shapes were aligned correctly. I paid close attention to each page of my application to make sure everything was centered the way it was supposed to be and the spacing was the same throughout the page.
- How could your submission be improved?
I think my submission could be improved by creating a more detailed logo for my CRM. I like the stars that I have but I think I could make something better and more relevant to Broadway.
- How could I improve the assignment for the next class?
You could improve the assignment for the next class by giving a more detailed explanation of the purpose of a CRM. I looked at examples from different websites to see what they were but I was still a bit confused. I think using an example of a previous student’s CRM application would provide a better understanding.
- How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
After this project, I have learned the importance of measurement and making everything look visually appealing. I understand the value that layout design has on applications. A lot of users don’t even take the time to notice the detail that is put into an application and now I have an appreciation for that.
- How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
The class recordings and seeing my peer’s work inspired me. As I already mentioned, I was still a little unclear with a CRM and by seeing how my peers approached their own CRM that inspired me to tailor mine the way I wanted to utilize it.